Classes Designed to Meet You Where You Are
3 Weeks of Unlimited Yoga
In-Studio & Virtually for $70
Sunday Zen
Easy like a Sunday morning should be....gentle yin-based yoga practice that emphasizes the importance of staying in the present and being completely mindful of it. You'll leave this class feeling 'free and like things you do are right'. Find a sense of peace and calm while also feeling confident and motivated to make the best of your week!
Saturday Soul
Come get your weekend yoga groove on where we will move our bodies to feed the soul. We will both fire it up and cool it down through a fun exploration of movement and stillness. Expect some active and/or slow Vinyasa, breath work, topical exploration, and the occasional storytelling.
Rise & Shine
Join us for a rise and shine yoga session! This class is all about movement and intention setting. Rise & Shine is a moving conversion where we are ultimately asking the question "how can I embrace all the parts of myself?" Start your morning off by creating magic within so that you can spread it to the world!
Office/Chair Yoga
This class is gentle yoga poses while seated and standing supported by a chair. While seated on chairs or using the chair as a prop, students can do versions of balance, twists, hip stretches, forward bends, and mild backbends. This is a great way to add movement to your workday!
In addition to being suitable for all adult age ranges, this is also ideal for people pre and post-joint replacement, with arthritis, vertigo or people in physical rehabilitation and physical therapy. Modifications offered in this class will also make yoga accessible to people who have difficulty/discomfort standing or lack the mobility to move easily from standing to seated to supine positions on the floor.
Focus on the basics of balance. Enhance your understanding of foundational cues and how balance plays a role in your mind and body. Learn to utilize focus, breath, and props to develop your strengths. Through breathing exercises and concentration on your base, you'll practice the basics and grow in your practice. This is a 30-minute intensive.
Morning Bliss
We will incorporate breath and flow, balance and strength, the flexibility of both mind and body, and stress-relieving relaxation practice. This class will include a variety of traditional poses practiced in a fresh way with creative sequences and a light heart of exploration, personal awareness, and self-compassion. Each class allows for a personally tailored level of challenge, through the use of modifications when needed. Incorporating props for both strengthening and support. Always taking into account each student's own discretion and current needs.
Connective Yin
This meditative practice of yin yoga targets the body’s connective tissue. This class explores yin postures and helps you explore a deeper practice of yoga. Utilizing long-held passive poses for joint health, flexibility, circulation, and mental focus, you will feel more in sync with you.
Evolve Flow
This class slowly works up to a dynamic movement that builds strength, improves balance, and provides time for deep stretching, breathwork, and restoration for the mind and body. Tuning into sensation over form is encouraged and modification and prop cueing are provided.
Evening Exhale
In this class, postures are practiced to align, strengthen and promote flexibility in the body. Breathing techniques and meditation are also integrated. You can expect an emphasis on simplicity, repetition, and ease of movement. Full-body relaxation and balance are the goals, as we make a full circuit of the body’s range of motion with standing postures, twists, backbends, forward folds, and hip openers. Leave this class feeling more focused and connected to your body.
Power Flow
This class will introduce you to Hatha flow yoga. On a physical level the asanas (poses)build strength and flexibility, loosening tight muscles and realigning and detoxifying the body and nervous system. On a mental level, through regular practice focus, willpower, mind-body awareness and breath are improved.
Vinyasa Flow
This class will provide an invigorating and rejuvenating experience that will leave you feeling strong, flexible and balanced. This class is a vinyasa flow suitable for beginners to advanced. Class begins with powerful breathwork, moves to gentle vinyasa and rounds off with deep fascia releasing postures.
Yoga for Recovery
Yoga for Recovery is Y12SR (Yoga 12-Step Recovery). Y12SR “connects the dots” between the ancient wisdom of yoga, the practical tools of 12-step programs, and the latest research on trauma healing and neurobiology. As part of a holistic recovery program, it works in tandem with traditional treatment to address the physical, mental and spiritual disease of addiction. The class consists of 45 minutes asana and 45-minute discussion during which those who choose to can share a few minutes of their own experience, strength, and hope.
The class serves people (18 years+) from all manifestations of addiction and their loved ones.