
My Jeep is named “The Hotness” and I love her.

The one album I could listen to for the rest of my life is the Hamilton soundtrack.

The first concert I ever went to was Diana Ross in Las Cruces, New Mexico.


Nicole Beall

Co-Founder & Yoga Instructor

Nicole’s love of yoga began as a way to help heal physical injuries and grew to become one of her greatest tools to support her mental health. In her journey as a Curvy Black Yogini, she has found herself unwelcome in many yoga spaces. She became a teacher to create a space where people of every ethnicity, size, and background could feel welcomed and respected. Nicole feels called to spend her life creating yoga spaces where people can find healing without having to jump through the hoops of -isms!

Nicole is a Certified Yoga Instructor with over 200 hrs of training and over 2,000 teaching hours. She is a Certified Roll Model Method Practitioner™, Yoga Shred®Instructor, Certified Y12SR: The Yoga of 12-Step Recovery Leader, Certified Trauma-Sentive Yoga Instructor, Certified Shakti Yoga Wheel Instructor, and the only Certified Curvy Yoga Instructor in Idaho. She is the proud owner of multiple yoga studios.